How to choose the right and high-quality IT-specialist for the company?
One of the most difficult tasks in the search of personnel is to find a quality specialist in the field of information technology. The demand for such personnel in the market is very high, it often happens that developers and project managers get a lot of job offers before they have time to quit.
The easiest way to find a worthy employee for an IT specialist position is to use a service with hr recruitment software. It is a single search with unlimited selection criteria, using fine MatchMiner filters and red flag detection capabilities. In other words, the search for an employee is several times easier, you will save a lot of time by processing several thousand resumes in a very short time.
What difficulties may arise in the search for an employee?
The main problem when recruiting IT staff is that high-level specialists are very rarely in search of a job. More often than not, they work successfully and do not look through the job ads that employers place on the Internet. When starting to look for a new job, such employees, first of all, turn to their acquaintances for recommendations.
The only way to attract such a specialist is through personal communication. Headhunting has proven to be an effective method of recruiting IT staff. In this case, the recruiter contacts the potential candidate, offers to meet and discuss the possibility of moving to another company with more attractive working conditions. Before the meeting it is important to enlist the support of friends or acquaintances, since real professionals are wary of such proposals and transfer to another job, usually by recommendation.
This is why the search for a qualified specialist can take a few months, especially if such positions as IT manager, administrator of mail system or databases are closed. To conduct an effective recruitment in the IT field, the recruiter should know the methods of finding out the motivation, know what can interest the candidates. These can be interesting projects, comfortable working conditions or an increased level of salary. Also, to form an effectively interacting team it is necessary to take into account a lot of psychological factors that affect the final working atmosphere.
Where to look for an IT specialist?
When searching for highly qualified IT specialists, most often external sources of data about applicants are used. These include:
- IT employment services, such as;
- references;
- social media;
- professional forums;
Of these, online resources are the most effective. IT-specialists often prefer virtual communication, which allows you to successfully start the process of searching for a suitable candidate even before the vacancy arises. Thus, you can get the necessary information about a particular specialist, establish contact with him and discuss the possibility of hiring in advance.