What is Big Sic? Best Odds Of Over/Under Soccer

Professional gamblers are probably familiar with the odds. However, the newly joined brothers are still quite confused. The following article will help you know what types of bets and odds are.

1. What is the fainting bet?

Newbies betting often wonder what is fainting? What is over and under and what are the odds of over and under? Over and under in football are the types of football bets offered by the bookies. One of them is the house NBET.

Players are tasked with betting on the number available in the 90-minute match. You can bet even in extra time. However, you cannot bet on overtime, penalty kicks or penalty. Distinguishing talent and weakness:

Tai: also known as Over. Is the total number of goals greater than the odds offered by the bookie.

Under: also known as Under. Is the total number of goals less than the odds offered by the house.

Draw: the total number of goals is equal to the odds offered by the house, including NBET.

2.What is the odds of over and over?

After learning what the odds are, you need to know how to look at the odds. One needs to know the odds of over and under betting in order to make it easier to see over and under. Whether playing football at NBET casino or at any bookie, betting is always necessary.

When participating in the game, the dealer will give any number. The player needs to give a different number than the dealer’s initial roll, which can be higher or lower. This is betting on over or under.

3.What are the odds of over and under betting?

Let’s find out what the odds are in football just like regular sports betting. There is not only one but all 11 types of rafters for players to choose from.

3.1 What is an over and under bet? Odds of over and under half left

This left half over and under betting odds are most commonly used by players. The over bet will win if the total goal is more than 0.5 and vice versa. Underline bettors win if the total is less than 0.5 and vice versa. This ratio applies to all bookies, not just NBET sports.

3.2 Odds 0.5/1 left

The next type of bet in the main under and over odds is 0.5/1 left. In case the total number of goals is greater than or equal to 2, the winner belongs to the big bettor. At that time, the bettor who fainted will lose. If the total is 1, the big bettor wins half of the money and the underdog loses half of the money.

3.3 Odds of 1 left

The odds of over and under bets in the form of 1 left hand will be calculated as follows: if the total number of goals is greater than or equal to 2, the over bet will win and vice versa. If the total number of goals equals 1, the player gets a tie. If the total number of tables is less than 1, the big bettor loses and the underdog wins

3.4 Odds of 1/1,5 left

Brothers who play bets at the house NBET will surely know this over and under betting odds. If the total number of goals is greater than or equal to 2, the bettor will win and vice versa. When the total number of tables is 1, the player will lose half of the money and vice versa. In case the total number of tables is less than 1, the big bettor loses all, the under bet wins all.

Tìm hiểu : Rồng Hổ NBET

3.5 Odds of 1.5 left

Odds of betting over and under in the form of this 1.5 left bet, if the total number of goals is greater than 2, then the person who follows the talent will eat. If the total number of goals is less than or equal to 1, the player will lose and vice versa. This is one of the attractive odds while learning about what is over and under in this article.

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3.6 Odds 1.5/2 left

For this case of over and under 1.5/2 left, the over bet will win if the total number of goals is >3. When the total number of tables = 2, the bettor will win half of the money, and the loser will lose half of the money. If the number of tables is less than 1, the bettor loses and the loser wins money.

3.7 Odds of 2 left bets

This is also a bet that is chosen by many players among the odds of over and under. Big bets will get money if the number of goals is greater than or equal to 3. If the number of goals is equal to two, this match will be drawn and neither side will lose money. When the total number of tables is less than or equal to 1, the big bet loses and vice versa.

3.8 Odds of 2/2.5

Similar to the above bets, the odds of this over and under bet are divided into three cases:

If the total number of goals is greater than or equal to 3, the over bet will win and vice versa.

If the total number of tables equals 2, the rich side loses half of the money, and the weak side gets half of the money.

If the total number of goals is less than or equal to 1: the over side loses and the under side wins.

3.9 Odds 2.5 left

2.5 left is the odds of over and under that when the total number of goals is greater than or equal to 3, the over bet wins. When the total number of goals is less than or equal to 2, the over side will lose and the under side will win.

4.Odds 3/3.5 left

When the total number of goals is greater than or equal to 4, the bettor on the over side wins and the underdog loses. When the total number of tables is 3, the person who bet under will get half the money and the person who bet big will lose half of the money. The big bettor will lose white if the total number of tables is less than or equal to 2. It means that the bettor who is under will now eat all.

The odds of betting on over and under in football are divided into many cases. To remember all these cases, you need to practice a lot. Have you discovered what is over and under? The ratios in football that you should know. Register for NBET now to have the opportunity to try and win many great gifts!


Blogger By Passion, Programmer By Love and Marketing Beast By Birth.

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