Top 10 Best Daily Diet for Good Health | Best Foods with Lots of Vitamins and Minerals

If you want to consume something good that will keep you healthy, then you should consider the best daily diet for good health. If you don’t know which one to eat, then you can consider the ones that I have mentioned in this article.

Top 10 Best Foods for Good Health

You can consider these foods because these are the best daily diet for good health:

1. Berries

A healthy diet consists of lots of fiber, which is a very important mineral for our body and mind. So, you must add food that has lots of natural fibers. Well, you can add berries to your daily diet. That is because a berry contains fibers that will be good for your digestive system and other parts. At the same time, berries don’t contain any artificial sweeteners and or sugar that can harm your health.

2. Eggs

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein, and it is a good protein source for vegetarians who don’t eat meat. Now, one egg contains 70 calories and 6 grams of protein. At the same time, the yolks of an egg contain zeaxanthin-two antioxidants, and lutein. These things are extremely good for health. So, you should have an egg daily on your meal.

3. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are also great foods that you can add to your diet and stay healthy by eating them. Now, this food is so much healthy that is because it contains alpha and beta carotene that is converted as active Vitamin A by our body. The vitamins and minerals of this food keep our eyes, bones, and immune system very healthy.

4. Broccoli

It is a superfood that is extremely healthy for our bodies. That is because this food contains lots of vitamins and minerals that are so beneficial. This food packs Vitamin A, C, and K. At the same time, it also contains folate, which is a great ingredient. It is so beneficial that it has earned the respect of the number one superfood.

5. Oats

Oats are great food for breakfast, and you can start your day by taking oats for breakfast. However, Oats are very beneficial that is because this food is enriched with fiber, and we all know that fibers are good for our gut and other parts of our body. At the same time, it is also good for our mind too. So, you should consider oats in your daily breakfast.

6. Spinach

Spinach is one of the most beneficial and great foods of all. And, I personally like it and eat it a lot. That is because it contains all sorts of nutrients that are extremely good for health, like Vitamin A, C, and K. At the same time, it also contains potassium, iron, calcium, fiber, magnesium, and Vitamin E. However, this food reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, and brain problems.


7. Tea

Tea is a very good substance to consume because it has many benefits. Tea can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s diabetes along with some cancers. At the same time, tea is a great source of antioxidants that is very beneficial for our body and mind. Besides, if you won’t lose some weight, you should consider tea as well. 



8. Nuts

Nuts are very good food that one should eat regularly. That is because nuts pack the two most beneficial ingredients that are good for the heart, and those two ingredients are magnesium and polyunsaturated fats. At the same time, this food also contains antioxidants and ellagic acid that are also good for our bodies. So, you should eat nuts regularly.

9. Oranges

It is a great fruit that contains Vitamin C. This vitamin is responsible for producing white blood cells and antibodies that fight all sorts of infections and protects us. At the same time, it also contains strong antioxidants that protect cells from radiation damages. So, you must eat this fruit daily to stay healthy.



10. Yogurt

Yogurts are very good for our gut that is because it contains probiotics that are good bacteria. At the same time, it also contains calcium. So, you should eat yogurt to prevent calcium deficiency and stay healthy.


These are the healthiest foods that you should add to your daily diet. These are enriched with vitamins and minerals that will keep you healthy and fit.

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